ART FOR LUNCH offers the following on-site workshops:
Participants assemble supplied “found” materials or their own photographs in individual collage pieces or collaborative pieces to illustrate a particular theme.
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Photo Transfer
Using their own photographs (which remain intact) or those supplied, participants learn a process of removing and manipulating a print image from Polaroid film and transferring it to paper.
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Photocopy Rubbing
Starting with a color or black and white photocopy, participants transfer it to paper, creating the effect of a drawing.
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Still Life Drawing
Using pencils, pastels, charcoal, conté crayon, and other “stick” media and drawing paper, participants work with a still-life set-up to create drawings.
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Jewelry from re-purposed materials
Participants create an unusual and unique necklace or bracelet using buttons and high test polymer cord.
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Cards, invitations, announcements
Make a single, beautiful card for a single beautiful individual, or make an original that can then be reproduced as many time as you’d like (think valentines or holiday cards).
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For more information or to book an ART FOR LUNCH session, please contact Prudy Kohler at or (415) 621-5829.