Robust communication among people of diverse backgrounds and work styles is vital to successful organizations. Art can make this happen.

ART FOR LUNCH is an on-site, hands-on, 60-minute art-making workshop for a group of co-workers/colleagues. It is

  • a quick way to increase group communications and enhance relationships
  • perfect for encouraging interaction in any kind of group: within divisions and organization-wide
  • excellent for team-building, creative jump-starting or employee rewards
  • great for attacking organizational issues of change and risk-taking
  • an opportunity for colleagues to learn about diverse work styles and approaches
  • a chance for everyone to feel success


  • A professional artist, seasoned in team-building facilitates an interactive workshop in an innovative art technique.
  • ART FOR LUNCH brings all materials and supplies.
  • The workshop takes place in your office or offsite venue.
  • The playing field is completely level—absolutely no previous art experience required of participants.
  • The session lasts 60 minutes (or longer if requested).
  • Sessions are tailored to achieve the results YOU want: reinforcing company values, fleshing out annual goals, dealing with organizational change, etc.
  • Sessions are often a part of larger organizational activities (retreats, company-wide offsites).
  • Each participant leaves with at least one finished artwork, or groups work together to create a collaborative piece.


As participants engage in very accessible (read: easy) art making techniques that require no previous experience, they:

  • Increase group communication.
  • Enhance collegial relationships.
  • Improve skills of:
    • Problem-solving
    • Evaluation
    • Analysis
    • Critical thinking
  • Recognize and appreciate diverse work styles and approaches.
  • Learn from mistakes and share information.
  • Address issues of change and risk-taking.

ART FOR LUNCH workshops
  |  Pricing & Logistics  |  Book a Session

