“I haven’t had this much fun at work, ever.” - Event coordinator, drug manufacturing company
For more information or to book an ART FOR LUNCH session, please contact Prudy Kohler at prudy@artforlunch.com or (415) 621-5829. Or fill out the form below:
Where does ART FOR LUNCH take place?
The instructor brings all materials and equipment to your conference room, office assembly area, dining room, backyard, etc. Its helpful (although not required) to have a source of water (sink, restroom, office kitchen) nearby.
How long does it take?
Sessions are usually 60 minutes (plus instructor’s set-up and clean-up time of about 20 minutes each). Longer sessions can easily be arranged. YOU decide when the session starts. If the session takes place over the lunch hour, or if you are providing refreshments to participants, these can be consumed during the session.
What do we need to bring?
In most cases, nothing but your enthusiasm and interest! ART FOR LUNCH will provide all materials needed for workshops but participants can provide their own personal materials if desired. This is decided prior to the session.